When you stop by for a Swedish massage or deep tissue massage in Sparta, you come out feeling wonderful! How long does that feeling last: an hour? The rest of the day? What if your massage therapist in New Jersey told you that regular massage can lead to long-lasting health and wellness benefits? Keep reading to see what massage can do for you in the long term.
Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity
One of the biggest threats to our health is inflammation! This is a fancy way for saying “angry immune system,” because inflammation is one of the first ways that our immune systems fight back against injury or illness. But if your immune system is a little too sensitive, you may find that inflammation strikes when you don’t want it to. Arthritis, slow healing after injuries, and many other health conditions are related to inflammation. Fortunately, stopping by for a massage therapy session in NJ can help by reducing this inflammatory response, allowing you to feel better, move better, and often enjoy improved immunity!
Increase Circulation and Improve Flexibility
So how does a hot stone massage at Sparta’s finest massage therapy office improve your health? Sometimes, you see benefits from the physical changes that massage helps to promote. For example, massage can improve circulation by giving your blood vessels a boost—literally, moving the blood and other bodily fluids around with manual massage! When your body parts get more valuable blood and oxygen, they tend to feel better. This can improve healing and impart longer-lasting flexibility, especially when paired with a gentle stretching or exercise routine. These benefits can even last for weeks after your last massage!
Improve Mental Health and Promote Healthy Habits
Your physical body isn’t the only part of you that benefits from regular massage therapy in Sparta. Your mental health and wellness can be greatly improved by the calming, soothing practice of massage therapy. While most people report feeling calmer and more relaxed immediately after a massage, those who return week after week for regular massage therapy incorporate this into their healthy habits, becoming more in-tune with their body, mastering deep breathing and relaxation skills, and finding that soft, meditative peace easier to return to with each visit.
When you call to schedule your next massage therapy appointment at Essential Massage Therapy, don’t just think about the next day or two—keep in mind that you are making a commitment to wellness and health, and book a wellness package!
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