When you visit your trusted massage therapist in Sparta, New Jersey, you can expect relaxation and wellness that spans your whole body. If you are looking to relax muscle tension, feel better, or improve your overall wellness, keep reading to see how adding additional services to your massage can help!

Add Paraffin Treatment to Your Next Massage For Ultimate Soothing
Could your hands and feet use some extra attention? Adding soothing, warm paraffin wax to your massage will soften and moisten sensitive skin, as well as soothing aching joints. For those with arthritis or who spend a lot of time on their feet each day, paraffin wax treatment can take your massage to the next level.

Relax Head to Toe with a Foot Scrub During Your Massage Visit
Speaking of taking extra care with feet, a Pink Himalayan Salt Foot Scrub is so revitalizing and nourishing! This is a great way to get ready for spring and summer sandals and beach season. The exfoliation of Himalayan Salt helps to gently exfoliate rough, dry skin, for a smooth, soft feel. Even better, when you combine a foot scrub with your regular foot massage in NJ, you get all the benefits of your usual massage as well as the soothing benefits of the scrub.

Embrace Soothing Scents with Aromatherapy Massage
If you love a full sensory experience, try adding aromatherapy to your next massage. Whether you visit your massage therapist in NJ for Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, or hot stone massage, the addition of aromatherapy oils can further help your mind and body relax, and leave you with a pleasant scent that transports you back to the relaxation of your massage session.

The best massage therapists in Sparta are customizing massage services to meet your unique needs. If any of these add-on services appeal to you, discuss them with your massage therapist when scheduling your next massage visit.