Is the holiday season just a stressful cap on an already stressful year? Massage therapists in Sparta know that this busy time of celebration can also be a stressful time of year. Fortunately, you can reduce that stress and stay healthy—both mentally and physically—with a few tips. Keep reading to see how to have a relaxing, restorative holiday season in 2023!

Stick to the Healthy Basics
If you only have time to read half of this post, keep these things in mind: Your body needs nutrition, hydration, rest, and exercise to keep you at your best. Before looking to maximize your life, make sure you’re eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, sleeping around 8 hours per night, and getting 20-30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Whether you support these goals with a weekly massage therapy session in NJ, a food delivery program, a shiny new water bottle, or a gym membership, keep your basic health in mind this holiday season.

Embrace Routine, Reduce Stress
The holidays come with all sorts of changes in routine, and change is stressful! Your mind is so busy with your everyday life that even fun activities, like a winter vacation or holiday surprise, may seem daunting. That’s why it’s important to lean into your healthy routines during stressful times. Don’t you feel better when you stick to your sleep schedule, go for an evening walk with the dogs, or commit to your usual gym schedule through the holidays? Even if everything else is in flux, keeping the best parts of your normal routine in play during the holidays can provide structure and peace. Your weekly deep tissue massage at Sparta’s top massage therapy office is one of these types of routines!

Commit To Wellness During The Holiday Season
You know how a strong self-care routine can help during the holidays… but do you actually do it? Many people find that their willpower is drained by lunchtime, putting them in “survival mode” for the rest of the day. Is there a way to push yourself to do what works best? Committing to your wellness shouldn’t rely on willpower alone! You can reach your wellness goals better with a partner, so why not see if your partner or best friend can be a gym buddy for the rest of the year? If you know that a pinch on your pocketbook is motivating, why not make reservations or book events that you “must” attend? A no-refunds ticket to a show may be just the motivation you need to go have fun; a wellness package to your favorite massage therapy office can give you that extra boost to go get a massage. Want to help a loved one commit to their wellness goals? Get a gift that keeps on giving this holiday season, and gift the joy of massage! Gift certificates for massage services are available and make wonderful stocking stuffers!
It seems like 2022 just got rolling, and we’re already at the end! From all of us at Essential Massage Therapy, to all of our clients, family, and friends, we thank you for making it a wonderful year. Take some deep breaths this holiday season as we gear up for a wonderful year in 2023!