It’s back to school season again, and for many kids and parents who did school at home all year last year, this is a big return! At Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey, we’ve been keeping a close eye on our stress levels so we can have the best reopening ever. How can you and your family handle the stress of returning to school? Keep reading for these fun, family-friendly tips!

Mindful Moments

A great way to beat stress is to be more mindful. How can you do this with your family? For little ones, “I spy” is a perfect way to build mindfulness skills. Don’t just stick with what you can see—encourage your child to engage all her senses by playing “I spy with my little ears” or “I spy with my little nose!” For older kids and teens, checking in with your five senses can be a fun game to help you stay relaxed.

Massage Party!

Massage is one of the best ways to relax—and for parents, scheduling a massage appointment at Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta is a great way to treat yourself! But kids are usually too wiggly for a massage session, but massage is beneficial for those kiddos too! Don’t worry—host a DIY massage session at home! Your kids will love spending time with you and embracing the healing benefits of soft, gentle touch. You can even pick up a special bottle of massage oil from your favorite massage therapy office in NJ for an at-home massage party. After the kids go to bed, you and your partner can exchange massages!

Breathe Deep

When stress hits hard, there is always one thing to lean back on. What is it? It’s your breath! Day and night, from the moment we are born until we pass, we are breathing in and out, in and out. If you listen closely, your own body can soothe you into a calm state! Reminding yourself to take deep breaths, and helping your family learn deep breathing tools, can help everyone lower their stress and get along better.

Want a great boost for any of these relaxation tips? Schedule an appointment at Essential Massage in NJ today to find out more!