Have you found yourself adapting to a new normal? Make sure self-care is a part of your new routine this fall, including scheduling regular appointments at Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta! With change should come good new routines, including those for self-care. Keep reading for some great self-care suggestions you can try this fall!

Deep, Soothing, Aromatic Breaths

You breathe every minute of every day. So shouldn’t you do it right? Take the time to learn to breathe properly and deeply, using your diaphragm, not your chest, and make it a habit! A great way to promote deep breathing is by filling your home with your favorite fall essential oils. Pick some up at your next aromatherapy massage in Sparta!

Mindful Diet

To feel the best, you need to fuel your body with a healthy, varied diet. Mindful eating, being aware and attentive of what you are eating and how, can be a good way to ease into a healthier lifestyle. Turn off the TV, put down the phone, and engage in your next meal with all 5 senses.

Intentional Movement

Most of us have to get moving daily, whether we want to or not. So how can you move your body in a positive way to make yourself feel better? Is it important for you to get plenty of aerobic exercise? Is stretching the best way to wake up? Should you learn self-massage techniques? Tune into your body and make it a habit!

Massage is Essential

A wonderful way to become more mindful, intentional, and in-tune with your body is through regular massage. Massage itself provides your body with stimulation, excitement, and increased blood flow, promoting a fuller range of motion, better immune response, and stress reduction. Make it a regular part of your routine for the maximum benefits.

Ready to enjoy your next massage in Sparta, NJ? Schedule your next session at Essential Massage Therapy today, or purchase a wellness package to start building a new routine!