Life is rough when you’re stuck without your regular massage therapist in New Jersey! Whether you’re missing out because of pandemic concerns, vacations, or weird hours at the office, your massage should still be essential. So what do you do when your massage therapist is unavailable? Try these self-massage tips to get you through until the next session.

Self-Massage Basics

Self-massage, just like regular massage, depends on the physical movement and manipulation of the body. This can improve blood flow, relax and stretch muscles, and just “feel good.” Massage can also relieve stress and boost mood, making it a great go-to activity. When your massage therapist in NJ is out for a while, self-massage is a good replacement. Start slow and gentle, moving your hands over the area that is tight, painful, or that feels good. Adjust your pressure and move in slow, rhythmic strokes, or gently oscillating circles. Explore until you find something that feels great!

Self-Massage Tools

Your hands are the only self-massage tool you need most of the time. But how can you massage your own back, or reach your feet if you have mobility issues? Try rolling those hard-to-reach areas over a tennis ball, and enjoy a good stretch at the same time. Want to add even more to your self-massage? Add on essential oils from your favorite massage therapy office in NJ to recreate the atmosphere!

Red Flags

Can you go too hard with self-massage? Unfortunately, that answer is “yes!” If you experience numbness or tingling on a regular basis (like many people with neuropathy), leave massage to the experts. Same goes for those with blood disorders, fractured bones, or severe osteoporosis. If you have a healing wound or burn, or if you are on blood thinning medications, always talk with your doctor before doing self-massage or visiting a massage office in Sparta. If anything you do as self-massage hurts, stop it at once! And remember, self-massage is NOT medical treatment—if you are in severe pain or distress, visit the emergency room.

Hopefully these self-massage tips are useful! For a professional massage with expert application, make sure to schedule your next appointment at Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta, NJ today!