While it’s called the “season of joy,” this time of year can be busy and taxing. Research shows that massage therapy can help relieve stress and improve your overall health this holiday season and all year-round.

Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress

1. Stick with your daily health routine
Thanksgiving is around the corner but deviating too much from your normal routine can add to your stress. Don’t deprive yourself that day, but how about going easy before and afterward by following a balanced diet? Add in your regular exercise, and even a walk on the holiday, to maintain your energy level at its peak during a busier schedule. Remember to get a proper amount of sleep to also help fight fatigue and colds.

2. Don’t overextend yourself
There is only so much you can do each day. Simplify this year. Allow yourself to say ‘no’ once in a while this holiday season. Doing more than you have the time or energy for is another way to add to your holiday stress level, and realistically the end result may be what you expect.

3. Take a me moment to get a massage
According to research, massage therapy can be effective for stress relief and host of other benefits. Essential Massage Therapy offers a wide variety of treatments from Swedish and hot stone to a tension tamer massage and sole soother.

Find a Trusted Massage Therapist
Members of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) are the most trusted massage therapists. Connie Zoetjes is a NY/NJ licensed massage therapist having graduated from the Holistic New Center in Long Island and continues to take courses to learn new modalities for today’s clients. Contact Essential Massage Therapy to schedule your appointment for me time today.