Monthly Archives: March 2018


Reconnecting You to You..

By |Mar 7 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

Are you at a crossroads in life, empty nester, divorced, looking for a change at work or just tired of the same old routine? If you are like most women, you’re wearing the hats of a caregiver, a mother, a wife, and a short-order cook– just to name a few. Your to-do list is way too long, you’re stressed out, and somewhere along the way you’ve lost yourself in the process. So did we! This is a common conversation, among most women, that prompted two Sparta women to collaborate their professions and design a workshop called It’s All About You!

Connie […]

Mental Health Benefits of Massage

By |Mar 5 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

For one in ten Americans, mental health is a significant concern. This is because one in ten Americans will experience a mental illness each year. Whether this mental illness is linked to genetics, stress, or other conditions, there are a variety of ways to combat the effects that may include mood disturbances, fatigue, feelings of anxiety or self-doubt, or a variety of other symptoms that can severely disrupt your life. In addition to seeking professional therapy or psychiatric care, there are a number of things that anyone can do to improve their mental health and feel better. A massage can […]

How Your Feet Affect Your Health

By |Mar 1 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

What moves you from place to place, often gets overlooked, and requires regular maintenance to be in top condition? That’s right… your feet!

While many people will answer “a car,” your feet tend to take the burden of your daily commute—even if that commute is as short as going out to the mailbox! Day in and day out, your feet support you—and they can have important implications for your health. If your feet are sore after a long day at work, you might try to con a friend or significant other into giving you a foot massage, but did you know […]

How to Download and Use Your Gift Certificate from the Form

  • Fill out the form.
  • Enter your email address in the "from" field and the recipient's email address in the "to" field.
    Check your email.
  • After submitting the form, check your email for the gift certificate.
  • Download and print.
  • Click on the attachment in the email to download the gift certificate to your computer. Once downloaded, either print the certificate to use in-store.

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