Are you ready to start down a path of wellness and relaxation, but not sure how to find a qualified massage therapist? Have you looked skeptically at internet “massage” ads and wondered if or where these people even got their qualifications? To receive the best massage therapy, you need the best massage therapist. Consider these three tips to help you find the best massage therapist in New Jersey.

1. Are they qualified? While your best friend may be “great” at giving massages, trained massage therapists learn specialized techniques to treat specific problems. Just because a massage feels good doesn’t mean it is massage therapy, and just because someone gives you a massage doesn’t make them a massage therapist. To evaluate your massage therapist, inquire about their education, training, and certification. Your massage therapist should have attended a professional massage school, and should be certified by a professional agency. This not only increases your likelihood of receiving the best treatment, it ensures that your massage therapist is up-to-date on new research.

2. Are they professional? Even the best massage therapists can fail if they are unprofessional. Your massage experience should be peaceful and relaxing from start to finish. This includes scheduling appointments, rescheduling if needed, and the office environment. Look for a neat and clean office, friendly staff, and a convenient location. You want to come back regularly, so make sure it is a place you love.

3. Do you like them? While many people see this as a secondary factor, your massage therapist and you will spend a lot of time together in a very intimate setting. If you are not comfortable with this person, your relaxing appointment could turn into something unpleasant. Seek out a massage therapist who you feel comfortable talking to, asking questions, and relaxing around.