When you visit your favorite massage therapy office in Sparta, wellness is all around you. From the atmosphere in-office, to the experience itself, to the take-home tips and tools, your massage therapist wants your wellness to continue long after you leave the office. Here are some tips to help you spring into wellness this season!

Mindful Moments and Massage Therapy
When you visit Essential Massage in Sparta, you are welcomed into a quiet, peaceful, soothing environment. This isn’t your local sports bar with TVs blaring and phones alerting—in fact, we ask that our massage clients silence their devices before entering. Why is this so important for wellness? When you leave out the other distractions, you can relax and appreciate the world around you! Springtime in NJ is the perfect time to practice mindfulness anywhere you go, because the setting is so beautiful. Are those tulips peeking out of the garden? Are the trees starting to bloom and blossom? Can you smell the light fragrance of rain?

Embrace Flexibility After Your Custom Massage Session
Custom, integrative, holistic massage is all the rage, and for good reason! For decades, massage clients were often forced to choose between Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, aromatherapy massage, or other specific styles of massage. Massage can improve your flexibility, so why be rigid about the style? Today’s best massage therapists understand that unique, custom, client-centered massage can produce even greater benefits than just one style. When you visit our massage office, you choose the duration of your massage session to get started, then you’ll have a conversation about your body and your needs with your massage therapist. Using this information and your preferences, your massage therapist will use the best tools to meet those needs, including aromatherapy massage and hot stone massage. Practice flexibility throughout your day by keeping an open mind and see the benefits you discover!

Make Massage Therapy A Part Of Your Medical Treatment
For those with health conditions, massage may be a tool to relieve pain, reduce stress, or promote circulation and healing. But first, you need to see a physician! Before starting any new health or wellness plan, make sure to see your primary care provider for a check-up, or ask your surgical or rehabilitation team if massage should be part of your treatment plan. The best benefits from massage come when you stay attentive to your whole-body health.
Ready to spring into wellness this season? Try these tips, or call Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta today to schedule your custom massage.