Monthly Archives: June 2018


    Tame Tension Headaches with These Top Tips

    By |Jun 15 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

    Do you find that your head just aches when you are tense? Many people come into massage therapy offices in New Jersey seeking a way to relieve the pounding, aching headaches, not to mention the tension and tightness in the neck, shoulders, chest, and head. Some people say that tension flows all the way down their body, while others find it more localized. How can you beat these tension headaches and start feeling better? Check out these top tips!

    1. Fuel your engine. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, nutrition, or hydration, you’re prone to feeling more stressed and having fewer […]

      These Two-Minute Stress Busters Can Improve Your Day!

      By |Jun 5 |Health, Research, Wellness|

      Stress is everywhere. From the office, to the commute home, and yes, even your family can cause stress. When we are stressed, we are more likely to be crabby, irritable, to lash out at others around us, or even to get physically ill! Your emotional state contributes to your physical health, and vice versa. To get the most out of your life and connect genuinely with those you love most, consider reducing your stress with some easy stress busters! We share these with our clients who come for a massage in Sparta so they can be used in between expert […]

      How to Download and Use Your Gift Certificate from the Form

      • Fill out the form.
      • Enter your email address in the "from" field and the recipient's email address in the "to" field.
        Check your email.
      • After submitting the form, check your email for the gift certificate.
      • Download and print.
      • Click on the attachment in the email to download the gift certificate to your computer. Once downloaded, either print the certificate to use in-store.

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