Massage is no longer a luxury treatment for the rich and bored—it is a key component in health and wellness! If you are considering seeking a massage therapist in New Jersey, check out these top ten benefits—start today and experience relief sooner!

1. Relieve stress. This is most people’s biggest reason for seeking massage therapy. Relax as your trusted massage therapist soothes your muscles and brings your body back to a calm and tranquil state.

2. Relieve pain. Many pains are not easily treated with medication. This can include pain from fibromyalgia, back pain, or migranes. If you are interested in a pain treatment that won’t leave you “doped up,” consider massage therapy instead!

3. Improve flexibility. By massaging muscles, they can become more flexible. This allows you to get more out of your workouts, to move more gracefully, and to be less likely to injure yourself.

4. Increase blood flow. Massage stimulates more than muscles—blood vessels under your skin also benefit from massage, speeding up the passage of oxygen-rich blood to and from your extremities.

5. Boost immunity. Massage has been associated with decreased illness and increased wellness. Whether it’s the stress relief, the muscle stimulation, the blood circulation, or the combination of these things, your immune system will benefit from massage.

6. Regulate blood sugar. Blood sugar has been shown to be more regular in people who regularly engage in massage. While nobody is completely sure how this works, promising studies suggest that mindfulness, relaxation, and stress reduction play a part.

7. Lower blood pressure. Stress = high blood pressure. To reduce one, reduce the other! Massage therapy is very effective at lowering stress, and your blood pressure will follow.

8. Relax your mind. Those who regularly seek massage therapy services can experience mental health benefits. Anxiety and depression have been shown to reduce with regular massage therapy—this is true in adults and in children.

9. Rehabilitate injury. Massage therapy is a demonstrated, effective treatment to be used in conjunction with many injury rehabilitation treatment plans and physical therapy plans. Massage therapy helps you to regain control and flexibility of your muscles while reducing pain.

10. Flush bodily toxins. When you use your muscles, they can produce an excess of lactic acid—this is what causes the “burn” when you run or stretch too much. Over time, this can accumulate, but regular massage can help it to clear out. Similarly, your sinuses and lungs can become clogged from pollution or illnesses, and targeted massage techniques can clear these toxins from your body.