Today’s world is stressful! Americans work far more hours than people in most other countries, there are scary and unsettling things on the news every day, politics threaten to drown any conversation, kids are struggling in school…

If you let yourself get caught up in all the stressful things that happen in your life, you may find yourself exhausted before you even have a chance to start your day properly! Stress isn’t just unpleasant, it can seriously impact your physical and mental well-being. Stress is associated with increased pain, increased fatigue, poor mood, increased anxiety, and lots of other bad things. At Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey, we see many clients each day who are stressed out. While a massage is our personal favorite way to reduce stress, we’d like to share 5 other great ideas.

  1. Meditate. When you dedicate time to relaxing with a clear mind, you can experience powerful health effects, such as relieving stress and anxiety. Meditation can also reduce symptoms of depression and improve physical health.
  2. Progressive muscle relaxation. Ever catch yourself feeling tense? Fight that feeling by tensing your muscles—on purpose—for 5-10 seconds, then slowly releasing them. You may find certain patterns work best, but we often suggest people go from head to toe or vice versa, progressively tensing and relaxing each muscle group. You should feel much calmer and more relaxed when you finish.
  3. Laugh. Even when life seems far away from funny, find something to laugh about and lift your mood. Spend time with a cheery friend, see a stand-up comedy show, or just look at funny pictures of cats on your lunch break. We won’t judge.
  4. Scents. Incorporate aromatherapy or essential oils into your life. This can come in the form of adding Young Living Essential Oils to your massage session, lighting an aromatherapy candle, or simply using your favorite scented lip balm. Relaxing scents like lavender and chamomile can sooth you into deep relaxation—or sleep!
  5. Breathe. Sure, we all breathe, but do you breathe properly? Breathe slowly and deeply, watching your stomach (that’s right, your stomach, not your chest) rise and fall with each breath. When you breathe deeply, your body and brain get more oxygen, promoting the best performance.

For more great ideas about relaxation, wellness, and massage at Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey, check back regularly for new articles!

Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils #10256875