When you visit Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey, you come out feeling great. Your muscles are relaxed, your head is clear, and you may even enjoy other benefits, such as decreased stress or improved mobility. But how can you harness these amazing benefits from the comforts of your own home? Read on to find out our favorite at-home massage tips, from the team at Essential Massage Therapy.

Head and Scalp Massage. Start your day off with a quick head and scalp massage and enjoy increased bloodflow to your brain! To start, place the heel of your hands on your temples, allowing your fingers to surround your scalp. Push up slowly, like you’re trying to squeeze off a tight hat. Hold for 4-5 seconds, then release. Make your way across your whole head.

Arm Massage. Did your texting binge or long day at the computer leave your arms sore? Give them a rest and a stretch with this self-massage technique! Rest your left arm, palm up, on your leg or a table—the arm of a couch works great for this a well. Using your right hand, slowly push the palm from the elbow to the wrist, not fast enough to hurt, but fast enough to generate some heat. Repeat on the sides of the hand, and then switch to the other side.

Neck and Shoulder Massage. Unless you have great genetics and great posture, you are likely to experience neck pain at some point. Fight it with a self-massage! Start by dropping your shoulders low, then touch your chest with your chin—or, at least go as far as you can. Place two or three fingers in the place right where your neck and shoulders meet, press firmly, and hold your fingers there until you feel the muscle relax. Continue to move around your neck until you feel all the tension release, then roll your shoulders around to loosen everything up!

If you’re feeling stressed or tight in your muscles, give these self-massage tips a try! You’ll feel your upper body starting to relax in no time—if not, schedule an appointment with a qualified massage therapist in New Jersey by contacting Connie at Essential Massage Therapy. Looking to relax your lower body as well? Stay tuned; our next blog series will feature tips for self-massage for your lower back, legs, and feet!  Visit Essential Massage Therapy at https://essentialmassagetherapynj.com/appointments/, visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Essential-Massage-Therapy-976197809133792/, or call Connie at 973-729-2400 for more information.