Massage is not a thing to be taken lightly—especially deep tissue massage! In all seriousness, many people do take their massages seriously, because they can be a useful and meaningful source of relaxation, wellness, health, and well-being. As such, it is only natural that many clients who seek massage in NJ ask how they can get more—or the most—out of their massage experience. We have some great before and after tips to help you maximize your massage benefits.

Prior to Massage

Clear your mind and schedule. One of the best benefits that people report when getting a massage is that their mind slows down and relaxes. Get here sooner by clearing your mind and schedule prior to your appointment. While you might not be able to get everything done before your appointment, consider writing down a quick list of things on your mind so you don’t have to work to remember them. This allows you to focus more fully on your massage.

Communicate. If you have any fears, concerns, health problems, or changes, make sure to let your massage therapist know. This allows her or him to apply the best amounts of pressure and use the best techniques to help you feel better.

Power down. Technology is wonderful… outside of the massage office. Turn off your devices, or better yet, leave them in the car! This goes for wearables as well.

After Your Massage

Share feedback. Let your massage therapist know how the massage went. If it was good, you are more likely to see these results again; if something was not to your liking, communicating will prevent it from happening again, ensuring your next massage meets your needs.

Roll with it. While many people squeeze in a massage on their lunch hour, you are likely to see the greatest results if you are able to flow with that relaxation after your massage ends. Those warm, calming feelings of relaxation you feel after your massage therapist in New Jersey finishes, can last longer if you go back to a quiet, calm place and relax.

Practice self-care. Even after your massage, you can still care for yourself in a variety of ways. Hydrating and eating a healthy meal can extend your massage benefits and prepare your body for activity in the future.

We entrust all our clients have a wonderful massage. To set up an appointment, contact Essential Massage Therapy today at 973-729-2400.