If you’re like most people, you’d do anything to promote your career, as long as that “anything” was legal, ethical, and possible. You put in more hours, bring the coffee to the boss, or invest in your own personal and professional growth. But after all this work is done, you can still do more!
Don’t feel stressed at the thought of “more” work—our suggestion is to get a massage! When you visit a skilled massage therapist in New Jersey, you’ll experience not only the physical benefits of muscle relaxation and flexibility, but you may experience some benefits in many other areas of your professional life as well. Here are our favorite ways that visiting a massage therapist’s office can help your career!

Increased productivity. When you participate in regular massage, you reduce your overall stress. This often means that you are able to sleep more restfully, focus more effectively, work faster, and accomplish more. The results? Increased productivity. Whether you are trying to impress the team, lead your subordinates, or simply make it through a difficult day, massage can be a great tool to add to your general health and wellness toolbox!

Improved confidence and leadership abilities. Massage helps you to be more attuned to your body, your emotions, and the environment around you. How does this affect your leadership? Positively! When you don’t have to “waste” time wondering why your body is stiff and sore, or feeling stressed about your day at work, you can focus on other things, such as whether your coworkers are pulling their share, whether a new employee should be promoted or trained further, or other little details that leaders instinctively seek out when they are at their best.

Fewer sick days. Many research studies have associated massage therapy with improved immune functioning, better sleep, and even increased resistance to infection and illness. Translation? Fewer sick days to derail your work week! If you just “can’t afford” sick days, budget at least an hour a week for a relaxing massage. Your investment can pay off in terms of many more days of productivity!

For all of these reasons and more, consider incorporating massage into your life if you want the best performance at home and at work. Essential Massage Therapy in NJ can find the perfect type of massage to suit your needs, so don’t wait! Call 973-729-2400 to schedule your appointment today!