For one in ten Americans, mental health is a significant concern. This is because one in ten Americans will experience a mental illness each year. Whether this mental illness is linked to genetics, stress, or other conditions, there are a variety of ways to combat the effects that may include mood disturbances, fatigue, feelings of anxiety or self-doubt, or a variety of other symptoms that can severely disrupt your life. In addition to seeking professional therapy or psychiatric care, there are a number of things that anyone can do to improve their mental health and feel better. A massage can be a great start!

Depression. For many people, being depressed is part of a mood disorder, indicating a somewhat stable pattern of poor mood over time. For others, symptoms of depression, such as feeling sad, lacking energy, or not being able to have fun can come and go, but are always unpleasant. Fortunately, massage has been shown to help! Recent research has shown that massage can increase the neurotransmitters in your brain, similar to how many antidepressants work, improving your mood. Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta, New Jersey can help you experience the brighter side in life!

Anxiety. Similarly, anxiety symptoms can be reduced through massage. This has been demonstrated in clinical studies with people who have been diagnosed with cancer, for military veterans, and for stressed-out nurses. When life gets to be too much, a relaxing activity like a massage can help mental health!

General Wellness. Fortunately, you don’t need to have a mental health diagnosis to benefit from massage—people of all types have found benefits in massage! These can include lowering everyday stress, helping you connect more deeply with your body, reducing pain, improving sleep, and generally feeling great! To get started on your journey to wellness today, contact us to schedule an appointment. From a quick foot massage to a long Swedish massage, there are so many options to improve your health and wellness!

Schedule your visit today.