Did you think you’d start the 2020 school year looking up DIY aromatherapy massage in Sparta? Neither did we! If the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t brought enough challenges, this fall brings your children a Back-To-School: COVID Version. Yikes! Just reading those words is enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, and if you have kids, they might run and hide. Unfortunately, we all have to get through these challenging times, but don’t worry—those of us at Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta have some tips to help kids (and parents!) stop that stress in its tracks. Here are some great tips for how to use aromatherapy oils from our friends at Young Living Essential Oil. Read on to find out our 5 faves!

1: Make Your Child a GeneYus! For an extra boost to smarts, focus, or energy, this special essential oil blend of spearmint, peppermint, tangerine, and more help your youngster feel smarter and more attentive.

2: Chalk Talk Blend. Calm those first-day-back jitters with a light, fragrant blend of peppermint, rosemary, and orange. These essential oils are just stimulating enough to get your child awake and attentive, but calming enough to soothe anxious little brains. If you have questions about essential oils, contact your expert in aromatherapy massage in Sparta for more tips.

3: A Drop of Peace for mom and dad. While your child may be bouncing with energy, you may find yourself buzzing with anxiety. In between sewing masks, driving the kids to school when most districts are suspending bus services, coaching online classes, dealing with boredom, the adults need a break as well. Lemon Vitality is a perfect essential oil, and since it is made with food-grade essential oils, this means you can drop it right into your water or tea.

4: DIY MassageFest! Even in normal, non-pandemic times, many massage providers only work with adults. Kids struggle to express themselves, and usually, their parents know them the best. However, if you love (and miss!) your weekly massage therapy in NJ, try recreating it with the whole family! This can be a great way to help your children get in touch with their bodies and spend quality time together.

5: Sleep well. At the end of your busy day, you’re tired, but are the kids ready to sleep? Help everyone in the family wind down with a soothing essential oil blend like SleepyIze, a formula blended specially for kids with a variety of soothing essential oils. Lavender and chamomile frame the delicious scent, leaving you to decide whether to apply it topically or with a soothing cup of tea.

The back-to-school season is always a challenge, and even more so with a pandemic in the background. Fortunately, you and your child can get through this—and maybe even pick up some new favorite scents along the way. At Essential Massage Therapy, we only use the best in all-natural essential oils for our aromatherapy massage in Sparta. We hope to see you in person for massage soon! Essential Massage Therapy is a Young Living Independent Distributor #10256875.