Could your immune system use a boost? You may not realize it, but your routine of visiting your favorite massage office in Sparta for massage therapy may be helping! Our immune system is influenced by a wide variety of factors, including genetics, age, diet, lifestyle, stress, and more. With so many factors, you may feel like your immunity is out of your hands, but that is not entirely true. Those who work to relieve stress, move their bodies, and live a balanced life of health and wellness often find that they have improved immune responses. Read on to see how massage can help you!

Just One Session of Swedish Massage is all it takes to see results! Researchers at the Cedars Sinai hospital found that those who received just one 45-minute session of Swedish massage showed changes in the function of lymphocytes (that play a role in your immune functioning), reduced amounts of stress hormones (such as cortisol), and decreased amounts of inflammatory cytokines. These results were compared to another group who simply engaged in “light touch” instead of massage—those who didn’t participate in massage did not see the benefits, even though most reported that they enjoyed the light touch.

Regular Massage Calms Stress. Research on breast cancer survivors indicates that weekly massage sessions can reduce stress, both subjective (the amount that participants reported feeling stressed) and objective (changes in dopamine, serotonin, and other stress hormones). Decreased stress doesn’t automatically equal improved immune function, but it certainly helps! That’s why those who attend massage sessions regularly often report stronger health and better immune functioning.

Massage May Increase Circulation and allow your body to heal and recover faster. While it is difficult for scientists to prove or measure this, the lymph and blood systems in your body respond to physical manipulation, such as massage. Especially when you come for Swedish or deep tissue massage in Sparta, you may find that your body moves better and heals faster than before.

“Good” Side Effects Aplenty! Some of the best “side effects” of massage include decreased stress, decreased perception of pain, increased mobility, and help with headaches and digestive issues. Experts are still working out the details, but if you’ve ever hurt yourself and been stuck with a painful, limiting injury, you know you suffer in more than just the wound area. Pain, stress, and quality of life all affect your recovery, and massage can be an important tool to combat the negative effects of all of these.

Boost your immune system today, whether to fight back against the COVID-19 pandemic, to tackle the seasonal blues, or just because you want to live your best life and pursue the highest level of wellness you can find! Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta is open for service, and adhering to all guidelines for the safest practice during the pandemic. We hope you join us soon and boost your immune functioning and wellness!