You manage your business to the best of your ability. Whether that means putting in long hours at the office, attending special trainings and seminars, or just managing the stress of an executive position, you know that your ability to care for yourself and stay in the best health possible is vital not only to your own happiness, but to the success of your business.

So how can you be even better at what you do? You already try to eat healthy, visit the gym everyday—okay, at least every other day—and make sure to use at least most of your personal days for personal recovery and relaxation. But is this enough? Maybe you should pamper yourself with a massage, but pampering seems so unnecessary. The good news? Massage is more than just a luxury, and more people are starting to realize this as they experience the actual benefits of massage! When you work with a licensed massage therapist in New Jersey, you’ll get all the comfort and relaxation you want in addition to these five real benefits, proven by scientific studies and evidence.

1. Engage your creative side. When it comes down to it, anyone can manage the basics of a company well enough that it will continue to do all right. The real geniuses are the executives who bring new, innovative ideas to improve the workplace, generate new products, or get things done in ways that outshine the competition. Massage calms and inspires—like a cup of coffee, but without the jitters. When you relax, your brain takes over, solving problems and viewing solutions in new and different ways. This gives you and your company a strong edge.

2. Take fewer sick days. A large body of research suggests that massage plays a role in boosting the immune system, strengthening your defense against colds, flu, and other illnesses that stop you in your tracks. In addition, massage has been shown to reduce pain, stress, and muscle tension—all typical of hardworking executives. If you just can’t get comfortable at night, if your neck is sort, or if you just feel fatigued all the time, regular massage may provide lasting health benefits and pain relief without the fuzziness experienced while taking pain killers or muscles relaxers.

3. Get more done. Some of the earliest published research on massage demonstrates its ability to improve brainpower and productivity. 11% of companies offered their employees workplace massages in 2015, including many top-performing firms. By taking a few minutes out of your day to dedicate to wellness, you can be on top of your game all day.

4. Sleep well, wake refreshed. We all know we should get a minimum of eight hours of uninterrupted sleep in a dark, cool area, but most of us fail to meet that amount, especially as busy executives! Even if you’ve managed to carve out time for sleep, you may find yourself tossing, turning, and stressing about the next day. A massage is the perfect way to relax, allowing both your body and mind to “turn off” and truly benefit from rest periods. Trying to be efficient? You can actually maximize the efficiency of your sleeping hours by getting a massage before you sleep!

5. Lower stress. Put simply, stress is bad. It has been linked to high blood pressure, decreased immune function, increased obesity, increased pain, and association with a number of inflammatory and immune disorders. Worried, yet? Don’t—massage can help! Even a fifteen minute massage every week can reduce the symptoms of stress, including the stress hormones that flow through your body.

To get the most out of massage, schedule appointments approximately once per week. Twice a week is better for some who are extremely stressed, but most research and evidence has pointed to once per week as an effective amount. If possible, schedule massage after work so you can go home, relax, and sleep, but even lunch-time massages have shown to be highly beneficial. Make sure you choose a certified and trusted massage therapist in New Jersey, and let your massage therapist know if there is anything that you would like changed or done differently. At Essential Massage, we are always happy to make you more comfortable!