Here at Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey, we’re all about wellness. We enjoy sharing tips about health, massage, and current research, but we know at the end of the day that this isn’t all there is to wellness! One of the things that many people forget to do is to simply have fun! When you have fun, you release endorphins throughout your body that cause you to feel good—and these endorphins last for a while, boosting your mood for days. There are plenty of ways to have fun, including going out with friends, engaging in a great hobby, or relaxing for some stolen alone time, but we thought we’d share some fun facts about massage for our loyal readers!
There are over five million touch receptors across the human body—3,000 of them can be found on each finger tip! When you give a massage to someone else, you are feeling all of these touch receptors being stimulated.
Touch is the first sense that develops in humans—and is typically the last to deteriorate. Even when we cannot communicate with words, voice, or other sensory input, we can often still feel and benefit from touch.
Stress contributes to up to 90% of all disease! While massage is not a substitute for medical care, it can reduce your stress and help you to fight that disease more effectively and quickly.
In terms of restfulness and relaxation, one hour of massage is typically comparable to a full night’s sleep, based on people’s reports! While we don’t recommend substituting massage for sleep, it can be a great way to recover after a restless night or to stretch your daytime hours to their maximum!
Massage therapy has been around since ancient times. While we’ve made a lot of changes from the classical period to modern massages in NJ, we still enjoy this very basic form of relief and connection!
We hope you enjoyed our fun facts! Stay tuned for more interesting tidbits, research, and other massage information—or set up an appointment by calling 973-729-2400 to see just how well a skilled massage can work to help you relax and recover!