

New Year’s Resolutions Geared Toward Relaxation

By |Jan 22 |Health, Research, Wellness|

New Year’s resolutions are a popular endeavor. Year after year, people claim that they will change this, that, or another thing about their behavior. While many people focus on activating themselves through exercise or other activities, the experts at Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey would like to share our favorite relaxation-geared resolutions in hopes that these can help you live a fuller, more centered life. This year, I will…

…list at least one thing I am grateful for each day. Gratitude can help to reduce depression and anxiety and remind you just how well things are going—even when they aren’t […]

Overcome the New Year Slump with Massage

By |Jan 14 |Health, Tips|

For some, the New Year promises new opportunities, exciting changes, and the chance to enjoy life more than last year! For others, the New Year is just another day to remind yourself of how tired you are, how bored you are, or how much work there is to be done. Some call this the “New Year Slump,” and for good reason! Your body and productivity likely keel over and perish in this mindset! Fortunately, you can boost your mood and performance with a great massage in New Jersey.

Reduce anxiety. While the New Year is a holiday that many celebrate, it […]

How Massage Can Improve Your Career

By |Jan 2 |Health, Research|

If you’re like most people, you’d do anything to promote your career, as long as that “anything” was legal, ethical, and possible. You put in more hours, bring the coffee to the boss, or invest in your own personal and professional growth. But after all this work is done, you can still do more!
Don’t feel stressed at the thought of “more” work—our suggestion is to get a massage! When you visit a skilled massage therapist in New Jersey, you’ll experience not only the physical benefits of muscle relaxation and flexibility, but you may experience some benefits in many other areas […]

Top Three Ways to Nurture Yourself During the Holiday Season

By |Dec 7 |Health, Tips, Wellness|

The holidays are here, and in the midst of all the excitement and glitter comes a variety of downsides: fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety, stress, and irritation—all with those you are supposed to love and care for most! At the end of the day, you may realize that you simply need to take better care of yourself… but how can you accomplish this? Read on to find out our favorite ways to nurture yourself during the holiday season!

1. Set boundaries. This sounds like a mean tip from a parenting class, but boundaries actually make everyone feel better. This is true in terms […]

What is Holistic Health?

By |Dec 5 |Health, Tips, Wellness|

When people seek wellness, they may be referring to a number of different things. From physical health to emotional health to spiritual health, there are a variety of ways in which people can think about and relate to their health. One of the most popular types of health that our clients who come for a massage in NJ seek is holistic health. Fortunately, Essential Massage Therapy focuses on a holistic approach… but do you really know what holistic health is?

Holistic Health Defined

Holistic health is less of a way of treating health problems, and more of a way of approaching life. […]

How to Maximize Your Massage Benefits

By |Dec 1 |Health, Research, Tips|

Massage is not a thing to be taken lightly—especially deep tissue massage! In all seriousness, many people do take their massages seriously, because they can be a useful and meaningful source of relaxation, wellness, health, and well-being. As such, it is only natural that many clients who seek massage in NJ ask how they can get more—or the most—out of their massage experience. We have some great before and after tips to help you maximize your massage benefits.

Prior to Massage

Clear your mind and schedule. One of the best benefits that people report when getting a massage is that their mind […]

Does Aromatherapy Really Make a Difference?

By |Nov 7 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

Aromatherapy is popular with many of the massage clients that we see for massage in New Jersey. Clients like the smell, the feeling, the relaxation, and many swear that our organic aromatherapy options add even more benefits to their great massage. But do these benefits stand up to research? Science says yes! Researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong recently published research results from a sample of adult women with cancer, finding that aromatherapy massage has some unique benefits compared to massage without aromatherapy. Here are four ways aromatherapy improves your wellbeing.
1. Aromatherapy promotes all around comfort and reconnection […]

Mindfulness: Reconnect With Yourself!

By |Nov 5 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

If you’re anything like most massage clients, you may feel overwhelmed, tense, tight, or simply disconnected from anything. Many people who struggle with anxiety or depression report feeling distant from themselves, and many people with physical illness report feeling that their body is no longer working “with” them. How can you reconnect with yourself? Try mindfulness!
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the process of being engaged with yourself, your surroundings, and focusing your attention so you are not distracted. Mindfulness is a dying concept in today’s world that is full of distractions—cell phones, ads, and loud noises are constantly dragging our […]

Fun Facts About Massage

By |Nov 1 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

Here at Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey, we’re all about wellness. We enjoy sharing tips about health, massage, and current research, but we know at the end of the day that this isn’t all there is to wellness! One of the things that many people forget to do is to simply have fun! When you have fun, you release endorphins throughout your body that cause you to feel good—and these endorphins last for a while, boosting your mood for days. There are plenty of ways to have fun, including going out with friends, engaging in a great hobby, or […]

Research Report: Fight Lower Back Pain with Massage

By |Sep 15 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

If you suffer from lower back pain, you know that sometimes, you just can’t get comfortable! Whether the pain is worse when you sit, terrible when you stand, or distracting when you’re trying to get to sleep, the worst part is that there is just no position that helps you get comfortable for a long period of time. Are you ready to kiss long movies, road trips, and even a good night’s sleep goodbye because of your lower back pain? Don’t be! Find a great massage therapist at Essential Massage Therapy in NJ who […]

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  • Click on the attachment in the email to download the gift certificate to your computer. Once downloaded, either print the certificate to use in-store.

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