Massage in NJ

/Massage in NJ

Stressed Out? Custom Massage in NJ Relaxes Muscle Tension and Promotes Tranquility

By |Aug 7 |Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ|

Is this summer stressing you out? Clients at our massage therapy office in New Jersey are coming in with tense muscles in their necks and shoulders, tight backs, fatigue, and so many other signs of being too stressed out! Whether you’re ready for the kids’ summer vacation to end, tired of the endless doom cycle on the news, or just looking for a way out of that pattern of stressful thinking and being, you can take back control and find calm, tranquil, peaceful space instead. Keep reading for some of our favorite tips!

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Tackling Stress

Massage can […]

Check Out These Benefits of Massage Therapy During NJ’s Hot Summer Months

By |Jun 6 |Massage in NJ, Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ|

Summer is headed to New Jersey! Does the summer heat affect the benefits of massage therapy in Sparta? Keep reading to see why you should definitely continue your regular massage through the summer months—in a soothing, air-conditioned office!

Heat and Humidity Promote Swelling: Beat it With Massage Therapy

For those with pain or mobility limitations, the summer can be a miserable time! All that heat and humid air can make you feel inflamed, swelled up, or bloated—not to mention exhausted. How does massage help with the summer heat? At its core, massage helps you to relax your body and mind, which can […]

How Add-On Services Enhance The Benefits of Massage Therapy

By |May 9 |Wellness, Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Health, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ, Swedish massage in New Jersey|

When you visit your trusted massage therapist in Sparta, New Jersey, you can expect relaxation and wellness that spans your whole body. If you are looking to relax muscle tension, feel better, or improve your overall wellness, keep reading to see how adding additional services to your massage can help!

Add Paraffin Treatment to Your Next Massage For Ultimate Soothing
Could your hands and feet use some extra attention? Adding soothing, warm paraffin wax to your massage will soften and moisten sensitive skin, as well as soothing aching joints. For those with arthritis or who spend a lot of time on their […]

Your Massage Therapist in NJ Shares Stress Reduction Tips to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

By |Dec 8 |Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ|

When you stop by for a Swedish massage or deep tissue massage in Sparta, you come out feeling wonderful! How long does that feeling last: an hour? The rest of the day? What if your massage therapist in New Jersey told you that regular massage can lead to long-lasting health and wellness benefits? Keep reading to see what massage can do for you in the long term.

The Long-Term Effects of Massage Therapy

By |Nov 10 |Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ|

When you stop by for a Swedish massage or deep tissue massage in Sparta, you come out feeling wonderful! How long does that feeling last: an hour? The rest of the day? What if your massage therapist in New Jersey told you that regular massage can lead to long-lasting health and wellness benefits? Keep reading to see what massage can do for you in the long term.

Don’t Let Stress Scare You This Fall! Try These Wellness and Massage Ideas!

By |Oct 8 |Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ|

At Essential Massage Therapy in NJ, we love a good Halloween scare, but some of the effects of stress can be downright scary! Fortunately, we have some tricks and treats that can help cast a good spell over your health and wellness. Keep reading to see the scary things stress can cause, and tips to fight back!

Stress Can Turn You Into A Zombie—Fight Fatigue with Massage

Stress can make you tired. Really, really tired and slow, like a zombie! This is true due to many reasons, including the wear and tear on your immune system and the sleep disruption that is […]

Finances Got You Feeling Tense? Try Sparta’s Most Relaxing Massage Therapy Tips

By |Sep 6 |Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ|

Today’s economy is making people tense. Massage therapists in Sparta are getting plenty of calls from clients with complaints of tension headaches, tight shoulder muscles, and just feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. No wonder! As prices soar higher and people tighten their purse strings, tension can become the norm. Don’t let it! Try these relaxing tips from your favorite massage therapy office in Sparta to help you relax.

Breathe Deep Like You Do During Massage

When you visit your massage therapist, your whole body gets involved. Not only are your muscles treated to expert pressure through Swedish massage or deep tissue massage, your […]

Get Relaxed Before Back-To-School Season And Schedule A Massage in Sparta

By |Aug 9 |Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ|

It’s hard to believe, but summer is coming to an end! Have you kept up with regular massage in Sparta, or taken a break for the summer? As we prepare for back-to-school season, these tips can help you harness relaxation and wellness!

Take Time to Breathe and Reflect
When people visit their favorite massage office in Sparta, they get more than just a great massage. We have worked hard to set up our massage office to be calm, peaceful, and welcoming, so you can feel comfortable taking a deep breath and relaxing. Can you create a calm space like this in […]

Is Anxiety Making You Hot? Here’s How Massage Can Cool You Down

By |Jun 6 |Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Health, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ|

Scheduling a massage with your favorite massage therapist in New Jersey can make your life better—but did you know it can help cool you down in this summer heat? For many people, “hot” has only a little bit to do with the temperature outside, and has more to do with how “heated up” your brain and body are. If stress and anxiety make you hot, keep reading to find out how massage cools you down.

The Anxiety Makes Me Hot Phenomenon
You know the drill: you get that distressing call from family, that demanding call from work, or a message from […]

Your Massage Therapist in NJ Shares Tips To Avoid Skin Cancer

By |May 6 |Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ|

Summer’s almost here! Massage therapists in NJ know that summer can be hard on skin, whether you like to hide in air conditioning, or bake in the sun. But for sunbathers, there is an additional challenge: an increased risk of skin cancer. In fact, May is national Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Why do massage therapists care so much about this? We work with your body, including muscles, ligaments, and lots and lots of skin! Since we see places you might not notice, we are often the first person to let you know if something looks unusual. How can you […]

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  • Download and print.
  • Click on the attachment in the email to download the gift certificate to your computer. Once downloaded, either print the certificate to use in-store.

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