Massage in NJ

/Massage in NJ

Here’s Why You Should Get A Massage This Summer

By |Jun 7 |Health, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ, Swedish massage in New Jersey, Tips, Wellness|

Remember being a kid and enjoying a full summer of nothing but relaxation and fun? Most adults don’t get this privilege, and summer is just as stressful as any other season! Fortunately, visiting a massage therapist in New Jersey can help relieve some of your stress this summer—keep reading to find out how!

Heat Triggers Anxiety; Massage Reduces It

For those who struggle with anxiety and panic attacks, the summer months can be even worse. Thanks to your body’s need to pump blood more quickly to cool the skin, and to breathe more quickly to support that increased heart rate, most […]

How Physical Touch During Your Massage Or Aromatherapy Session Boosts Your Mood

By |May 20 |Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Health, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ, Swedish massage in New Jersey, Tips, Wellness|

If you’ve been craving touch during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone! One of the best benefits of Swedish massage in New Jersey is the physical touch. Humans need touch, and the recent risk of spreading a deadly virus has kept many people from hugging, shaking hands, or even seeing those they love, let alone feeling that skin contact! Now that things are improving, we’re excited to hear that people are visiting and touching again! Here are some reasons why physical touch during your massage session or aromatherapy visit boosts your mood!

Increase Oxytocin

Your body has plenty of hormones floating […]

Suffering from Long Coronavirus? Massage Therapy May Provide Relief!

By |Apr 24 |Health, Massage in NJ, Massage Therapy in NJ, Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ, Tips, Wellness|

Many of our regular massage clients in New Jersey are asking the same thing: Can massage therapy help if I have coronavirus? What about “long-COVID?” Keep reading to see how massage can be a part of your recovery!

Upper Respiratory Disease and Massage

First things first: Stay at home when you are sick! The only place you need to go if you have COVID-like symptoms, or if you have tested positive for COVID-19, is your bed. But what if you’re quarantining with a fellow massage therapist in New Jersey? Could massage help? Evidence from similar viruses and health conditions suggests it could […]

The Best Aromatherapy Oils in New Jersey Help You Get Ready for Spring!

By |Mar 18 |Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Health, Massage in NJ, Tips, Wellness|

Are you getting ready for spring? Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta, NJ is! After a long winter with plenty of pandemic concerns, we are so eager to see the sun again—as well as blooming flowers, singing birds, and a new season! Just like every season, we are making good use of our aromatherapy oils for massage and more. Ready on to see how the best aromatherapy oils can help you get read for spring!

Spring Cleaning
Get a head start on spring cleaning this year with essential oils! One of our favorites is tea tree oil, which you can mix with […]

Aromatherapy and Massage in NJ: These Tips for Bring Back the Spark in Your Romance

By |Feb 15 |Aromatherapy Massage in NJ, Health, Massage in NJ, Tips, Wellness|

If you want a great gift for your special someone, try the gift of aromatherapy massage in New Jersey! Aromatherapy is the perfect way to boost wellness and mood, and show someone how much you love them. Whether you book an appointment for massage therapy in Sparta, or even if you’re stuck in quarantine, here’s how aromatherapy and massage can brighten your romance!

Gift Giving Shares Love
Many people are learning their “love language,” and one of these “languages” is giving and receiving gifts. This language isn’t about materialism—it’s about the thoughtfulness that another person puts into getting you exactly what you […]

How to Download and Use Your Gift Certificate from the Form

  • Fill out the form.
  • Enter your email address in the "from" field and the recipient's email address in the "to" field.
    Check your email.
  • After submitting the form, check your email for the gift certificate.
  • Download and print.
  • Click on the attachment in the email to download the gift certificate to your computer. Once downloaded, either print the certificate to use in-store.

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