

How Constant “Connection” Saps Wellness

By |Apr 9 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

When you visit Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta, you are making a commitment to your wellness. This may be all “well” and good, but is it enough? Or do you fall victim to the wellness trap that is sucking in so many people today. Find out if constant connection is sapping your wellness with this blog!

Connection Status: On
Today’s world has so many opportunities for connection. Unlike just a few decades ago, people no longer have to write letters, walk to visit each other, or even wait for someone to be home to take a call. In fact, we no longer […]

What’s So Relaxing About A Massage?

By |Apr 5 |Health, Tips, Wellness|

For many people, the word “massage” is automatically associated with relaxation. But why is that? How did massage start to be a tool for relaxation, and how does massage continue to help people in New Jersey to relax after so many decades? These are the sorts of questions that the staff at Essential Massage Therapy consider after hours, and we are thrilled to share more about massage with you!

Massage Origins
Massage can be traced back through many generations, and most likely started with the natural need for human touch. People have engaged through physical touch for many years, and before there […]

Top Wellness Tips for 2019

By |Jan 2 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

As we enter 2019, Essential Massage Therapy wishes you the best and brightest! Want to take your wellness from wish to action? We can help! Check out our top wellness tips for 2019 to see how you can feel better, work more effectively, and enjoy your time.

Tip #1: Get enough sleep
Most people are sleep deprived, and they wonder why they can’t relax, fall asleep, or think clearly! The average adult needs 6-8 hours of sleep at night, but everyone’s sleep needs vary—anywhere from 4-10 hours of sleep at night can be the “right” amount of sleep depending on your body. […]

11 Young Living Swaps for Better Living

By |Jul 23 |Health, Tips|

Everyone loves having answers to life’s little problems. Whether you have a painless solution for a weekday wakeup or a go-to way to freshen fabrics, make sure your quick fixes are free from harmful chemicals, mystery ingredients, and artificial scents and flavors with these easy swaps!Blog-15-Young-Living-Swaps-For-Better-Living_Infographic_Us-2

Tame Tension Headaches with These Top Tips

By |Jun 15 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

Do you find that your head just aches when you are tense? Many people come into massage therapy offices in New Jersey seeking a way to relieve the pounding, aching headaches, not to mention the tension and tightness in the neck, shoulders, chest, and head. Some people say that tension flows all the way down their body, while others find it more localized. How can you beat these tension headaches and start feeling better? Check out these top tips!

1. Fuel your engine. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, nutrition, or hydration, you’re prone to feeling more stressed and having fewer […]

Top Tips to Manage Stress Around Tax Time

By |Apr 10 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

April is known for three things: spring holidays, spring showers, and tax season! If your finances have you stressed out this year, you are not alone—69% of Americans report stress about finances. So what can you do to manage this stress? At Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey, we know lots of ways to handle stress, so we’re sharing our favorites with you!

1. Get your needs met. In addition to the things you must handle throughout the day with work and family, your body has some pretty demanding biological needs. You need to get sleep, nutrition, and exercise, or your […]

Is Sitting Ruining Your Massage?

By |Apr 5 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

If you keep up with health news, you know that sitting is one of the worst things that you can do for your health. In fact, many of our loyal visitors at Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey complain about the aches and pains in their bodies after sitting at an office desk for long hours each day. But did you know that sitting can affect your massage as well? Read on to find out how!

1. Declining reflexes and feedback. Some studies show that a sedentary lifestyle, marked by plenty of sitting and little activity, can cause pretty much every […]

Massage for Mamas—Why Massage Helps After Delivery

By |Apr 2 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

If you are a new mother, or if you know someone who has recently brought new life into the world, you are probably familiar with many of the challenges that new mothers face after delivery. The toll this takes on your body and mind can cause fatigue, stress, and may take away some of the joy of the process—but new research shows that massage can help!

The Study

Researchers in Japan worked with 29 mothers who had given birth and were recovering in the hospital; most mothers were in their early thirties. The mothers were given a single, 20-minute hand and arm […]

Reconnecting You to You..

By |Mar 7 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

Are you at a crossroads in life, empty nester, divorced, looking for a change at work or just tired of the same old routine? If you are like most women, you’re wearing the hats of a caregiver, a mother, a wife, and a short-order cook– just to name a few. Your to-do list is way too long, you’re stressed out, and somewhere along the way you’ve lost yourself in the process. So did we! This is a common conversation, among most women, that prompted two Sparta women to collaborate their professions and design a workshop called It’s All About You!

Connie […]

Mental Health Benefits of Massage

By |Mar 5 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

For one in ten Americans, mental health is a significant concern. This is because one in ten Americans will experience a mental illness each year. Whether this mental illness is linked to genetics, stress, or other conditions, there are a variety of ways to combat the effects that may include mood disturbances, fatigue, feelings of anxiety or self-doubt, or a variety of other symptoms that can severely disrupt your life. In addition to seeking professional therapy or psychiatric care, there are a number of things that anyone can do to improve their mental health and feel better. A massage can […]

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  • Download and print.
  • Click on the attachment in the email to download the gift certificate to your computer. Once downloaded, either print the certificate to use in-store.

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