

Research Report: Fight Lower Back Pain with Massage

By |Sep 15 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

If you suffer from lower back pain, you know that sometimes, you just can’t get comfortable! Whether the pain is worse when you sit, terrible when you stand, or distracting when you’re trying to get to sleep, the worst part is that there is just no position that helps you get comfortable for a long period of time. Are you ready to kiss long movies, road trips, and even a good night’s sleep goodbye because of your lower back pain? Don’t be! Find a great massage therapist at Essential Massage Therapy in NJ who […]

Enjoy the Benefits of Massage at Home Part One: Upper Body

By |Sep 9 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

When you visit Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey, you come out feeling great. Your muscles are relaxed, your head is clear, and you may even enjoy other benefits, such as decreased stress or improved mobility. But how can you harness these amazing benefits from the comforts of your own home? Read on to find out our favorite at-home massage tips, from the team at Essential Massage Therapy.

Head and Scalp Massage. Start your day off with a quick head and scalp massage and enjoy increased bloodflow to your brain! To start, place the […]

How Your Feet Affect Your Health

By |Aug 25 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

What moves you from place to place, often gets overlooked, and requires regular maintenance to be in top condition? That’s right… your feet!

While many people will answer “a car,” your feet tend to take the burden of your daily commute—even if that commute is as short as going out to the mailbox! Day in and day out, your feet support you—and they can have important implications for your health. If your feet are sore after a long day at work, you might try to con a friend or significant other into giving you a foot massage, but did you know […]

Top Ten Ways To Use Essential Oils For Your Health

By |Apr 20 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

Are you “scent-sational?” Do you love adding a burst of fragrance to anything you do—including feeling and looking great? At Essential Massage Therapy, we believe that the bet wellness routine should stimulate all the senses, and one of the best ways to do this is to incorporate essential oils into your health- and home-related routines. Read on to find out our top ten favorite ways to use essential oils for your health!

  1. Relax. The classic use for essential oils is to relax and enhance mood, so take a note from history and incorporate these into your relaxation routine!
  2. Freshen your […]

Top 5 Ways to Fight Stress

By |Apr 13 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

Today’s world is stressful! Americans work far more hours than people in most other countries, there are scary and unsettling things on the news every day, politics threaten to drown any conversation, kids are struggling in school…

If you let yourself get caught up in all the stressful things that happen in your life, you may find yourself exhausted before you even have a chance to start your day properly! Stress isn’t just unpleasant, it can seriously impact your physical and mental well-being. Stress is associated with increased pain, increased fatigue, poor mood, increased anxiety, and lots of other bad things. […]

Massage Can’t Work Alone! 5 Tips for a Holistic, Healthy Life

By |Nov 28 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

As any massage therapist or massage enthusiast will tell you, massage is a wonderful way to improve your health. It allows you to rest better, feel less pain, perform better, and feel more relaxed. Many health experts agree that massage can and should be a part of a healthy lifestyle. However, massage alone is not going to give you the best life you can have—you need to incorporate health into all elements of your life! Here are five tips for living a holistic, healthy life.

1. Get Enough Sleep.
This is the same advice you’ve heard since you were a child—go […]

Three Ways Massage Helps You Sleep Better

By |Nov 28 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

Does your alarm clock seem to go off too early every morning? Are you dedicating the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night to quiet, restful sleep, but still wake up feeling exhausted every day? You’re not alone! At least 45% of Americans experience problems falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling well rested, and these problems can affect daily activities like working, driving, or caring for others. So, how can a massage help? Read on to find out more!

1. Relieve Stress and Anxiety.
While people suffer from insomnia for many different reasons, one of the biggest triggers for insomnia is […]

Be the Best Leader You Can Be! Why Executives Should Schedule a Massage Today!

By |Apr 18 |Health, Research, Tips, Wellness|

You manage your business to the best of your ability. Whether that means putting in long hours at the office, attending special trainings and seminars, or just managing the stress of an executive position, you know that your ability to care for yourself and stay in the best health possible is vital not only to your own happiness, but to the success of your business.

So how can you be even better at what you do? You already try to eat healthy, visit the gym everyday—okay, at least every other day—and make sure to use at least most of your personal […]

How to Find the Right Massage Therapist

By |Mar 18 |Tips, Wellness|

Are you ready to start down a path of wellness and relaxation, but not sure how to find a qualified massage therapist? Have you looked skeptically at internet “massage” ads and wondered if or where these people even got their qualifications? To receive the best massage therapy, you need the best massage therapist. Consider these three tips to help you find the best massage therapist in New Jersey.

1. Are they qualified? While your best friend may be “great” at giving massages, trained massage therapists learn specialized techniques to treat specific problems. Just because a massage feels good doesn’t mean it […]

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  • Fill out the form.
  • Enter your email address in the "from" field and the recipient's email address in the "to" field.
    Check your email.
  • After submitting the form, check your email for the gift certificate.
  • Download and print.
  • Click on the attachment in the email to download the gift certificate to your computer. Once downloaded, either print the certificate to use in-store.

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