If you’re anything like most massage clients, you may feel overwhelmed, tense, tight, or simply disconnected from anything. Many people who struggle with anxiety or depression report feeling distant from themselves, and many people with physical illness report feeling that their body is no longer working “with” them. How can you reconnect with yourself? Try mindfulness!
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the process of being engaged with yourself, your surroundings, and focusing your attention so you are not distracted. Mindfulness is a dying concept in today’s world that is full of distractions—cell phones, ads, and loud noises are constantly dragging our attention away! When you master mindfulness, you will feel more in control of your mind, including your thoughts and feelings.
How do I start? One of the simplest ways to begin learning mindfulness is through practice. Most people say to start slow, perhaps focusing on an object for just sixty seconds. This can be something relaxing, like a favorite candle, or just something convenient, like the pen on your desk. Set a timer and focus on nothing but this object for one minute. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Does it have a smell? What about taste? Is it making any sounds? You may notice that these are the five senses—this is a great start for mindfulness. Once you’ve mastered being mindful for one minute, try moving up to 5, 10, or longer!
When do I use it? Mindfulness is similar to meditation. The more you practice, the better you get! You can use it when you’re stressed, but you should practice it when you’re calm. Why? The same reason why you should learn to swim in the shallow end before jumping in the ocean! You want these skills strong so you can use them when you are feeling stressed.
Mindfulness is a great tool to practice during your massage in NJ. Focus on touch, on smell, or on the situation—just gently hold your attention there for as long as you can, and you will feel the great effects of relaxation. Schedule your next appointment at Essential Massage Therapy by calling us at 973-729-2400.