Weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic in New Jersey, many massage customers are frustrated that they still cannot enjoy an aromatherapy massage in Sparta. While we are seeing promising results to flatten the curve, this doesn’t make your sore muscles feel any better! Worse, being stuck at home all the time can create its own stress, whether your mind is stuck worrying about the outbreak itself, job security, or if the world will ever go back to normal. While Essential Massage Therapy can’t open for business, we hope these DIY tips will help you to build a mindful moment whenever you need it.

Mindfulness Tip #1: 5 Senses Activity
Mindfulness is a popular topic these days, with roots in many eastern medicines and religious beliefs. At the core, someone who is mindful is attentive and aware to his or her surroundings, but not judgmental of them, simply noticing and accepting all the details of the world. This allows you to focus and control your mind—instead of letting racing thoughts and stress wear down your wellness. Being mindful can make your next aromatherapy massage in Sparta even more relaxing. An easy starter tool to practice mindfulness uses your five senses to help you re-center and increase awareness. It’s so easy—just notice one thing that you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. If it’s too easy, try the 5-4-3-2-1 method and find 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you smell, 2 things you are touching, and one thing you taste. Anything surprising?

Mindfulness Tip #2: Mindful Breathing
Aromatherapy oils make mindful breathing enjoyable, even for doubters! To maximize your aromatherapy experience, choose a scent that promotes relaxation—many people find lavender and chamomile relaxing, but anything that makes you feel calm, safe, and relaxed works. Scent can be very personal! Once you’ve chosen your scent, place a few drops in a diffuser. Sit comfortably, close your eyes if you like, and notice the scent as it diffuses through the room. Notice how your body reacts to the scent. Do you feel different? Try experimenting with many different oils to see which is most enjoyable.

Mindfulness Tip #3: Self-Massage
Just because your favorite massage parlor in NJ has closed, you don’t need to be totally without massage! Even if you live alone during this quarantine period, self-massage can be quite effective. Don’t overthink it—find sore, tense muscles, and gently rub, knead, and squeeze. Let your body be your guide and do what feels good. While you may not get the same results as a trained massage therapist, you can still benefit and enjoy an improved relationship with yourself. Don’t forget the little things—book yourself an appointment, put on some relaxing music, and stick some towels in the dryer to warm them. For an even more effective self-massage, bust out the essential oils! A self-administered aromatherapy massage in Sparta is even better with fragrant, relaxing oils added.
Those of us at Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ are eagerly awaiting opening dates so we can help you feel better. In the meantime, we hope you try some mindfulness tips and take care of your wellness inside and out!