Wellness was the buzzword of 2020, and in 2021, people are making it happen! But how can massage therapy in Sparta NJ help you to meet your wellness goals? The answer depends on what your goals are! Wellness can include anything from emotional health (manage those feelings), physical health (feel that exercise!), environmental health (cut single-use plastics), or more! Massage is an amazing tool for all kinds of personal wellness goals! Read on to find out a few of our favorites.

Emotional Wellness Goal: I will practice feeling calm and relaxed at least once per week.
What’s an easy way to meet an emotional wellness goal like this one that helps you to feel calm and collected? Regular massage therapy! In Sparta, NJ, massage therapists create a calming, soothing environment for your massage, allowing you to experience relaxation like no other! Harnessing this feeling makes it easier than ever to return to this peaceful state.

Physical Wellness Goal: I will find at least one activity that lowers my blood pressure.
In between running a mile and lifting weights, you need to help your body slow down! Overall physical health is a very important part of managing blood pressure, but massage can also be a tool. Especially in people with pre-hypertensive blood pressure levels, regular massage has been shown to reduce blood pressure over time.

Intellectual Wellness Goal: I will learn about something new.
If the pandemic and lockdowns of last year got you down, you may be surprised to find that learning something new can boost that mood right back up! So what sounds interesting to you in 2021? If you want to find out more about massage, you’ve come to the right place, but did you know that Essential Massage Therapy is also a Young Living Independent Distributor of aromatherapy and essential oils (#10256875)? We love our essential oils, and we love sharing them with interested people! Check out some scents during your aromatherapy massage, or check back here on our blog regularly for great tips and recipes using essential oils!

Ready to beat your wellness goals in 2021? If so, consider scheduling a massage as part of your wellness plan! Massage contributes to so many areas of wellness, you won’t believe how much better you’ll feel after visiting Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta.

Essential Massage Therapy, though located in Sparta, serves clients from Newton, Byram, Lafayette also.

For information & appointments, Contact Us Now!