With warmer, longer days, summertime is perfect for spending more of your time outdoors with your family or community, or relaxing by yourself. Here are some inexpensive ways to kick boredom to the curb:

BIKING. You don’t have to be a pro cyclist to enjoy biking. Many communities have bike trails you can ride on, or you can create a path of your own if you live in a rural setting. Some places also have community bike rides or programs, a great way to see your neighborhood from a new perspective.

GO TO A DRIVE-IN MOVIE. If there are no close to you create one with a projector and a screen on the side of your house. Make sure to grab the blankets, chairs, and plenty of snacks!

PICNICS. It doesn’t have to be fancy—some food and drinks in a cooler, a blanket, and head to your local park or even your own yard. Spend time after eating with a good book or throwing a ball or Frisbee around.

CAMPING OR A BONFIRE. Find a local campground or pitch a tent in your backyard. Roast marshmallows over a small fire or build a bonfire if your county permits it. You can also rent an RV and make a trip of it.

Reproduced with permission from Massage Therapy Journal.