Scheduling a massage with your favorite massage therapist in New Jersey can make your life better—but did you know it can help cool you down in this summer heat? For many people, “hot” has only a little bit to do with the temperature outside, and has more to do with how “heated up” your brain and body are. If stress and anxiety make you hot, keep reading to find out how massage cools you down.

The Anxiety Makes Me Hot Phenomenon
You know the drill: you get that distressing call from family, that demanding call from work, or a message from a bill collector. All of a sudden, it’s like the thermostat in the room climbed ten degrees. You may notice sweating, clammy hands, or feel like your face is turning red (spoiler alert: it is turning red!). What’s happening? When you feel stressed or anxious, your body’s fight or flight system goes into overdrive. If a tiger was chasing you through the jungle, your body would be ready to run and fight! However, in today’s world, there are no tigers chasing you, and running or fighting would only make things worse. Our bodies weren’t built for brain-stress, so our bodies respond like we are being physically threatened.

Massage Promotes Bodily Awareness
Many people follow their body’s lead, seeking a colder location when the “anxiety hots” hit. But if you weren’t too warm before that stressful event, you’d do better to lean into your emotions and bodily regulation. Being able to recognize that stress made you hot, or that you are worried about something, helps you to better understand your body. When you visit a massage therapy office in NJ, you can deepen your relationship with your body so everything flows more smoothly.

Relax With Aromatherapy Massage in NJ
Awareness is the first step; the next step is finding a way to calm your body and turn off that fight or flight response. Regular visits to your favorite massage office in Sparta can help you learn the things that make your body feel better, and can help you practice calming and relaxing your muscles. If you add aromatherapy to your massage, this is even better—it gives your body a clear “cool down” signal. Cooling essential oils, like eucalyptus, mint, and some citrus scents, can be an automatic cool-down trigger!

Ready to fight heat without cranking up the AC? Call Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta, NJ to schedule an appointment today!