It’s not just stressed Moms who appreciate a massage – hard working Dads love to receive massage too, and what better time to treat your Dad than Father’s Day?

Dads can be so hard to buy gifts for at the best of times. They probably smile when they are presented with yet another tie, gift set, or Amazon voucher, but how happy could you make Dad with a thoughtful gift that really benefits his health and well-being too?

Why a Massage Is a Great Gift
Even if your Dad is a newcomer to massage therapy and probably wouldn’t book a massage for himself, he’s may have wondered what a massage would be like. Take the decision out of his hands and give him the opportunity to find out for himself with a massage gift certificate from Essential Massage Therapy for Father’s Day.

As any massage lover knows, a massage isn’t just something you get after an injury or to relax when you’ve been overdoing it, it’s an important part of a healthy lifestyle that good for you in its own right. Massage therapy is a good preventive step you can take to keep yourself healthy; treating your Dad to massage is a way of telling him you care and want him to stay well. If you need more convincing, here are other benefits you can share with him on Father’s Day.

What a Massage Can Do for Your Dad
1. Regular massage can help improve his physical performance. Scheduling in regular massage therapy can help improve flexibility and overall physical performance, which means your Dad stays more active longer.

2. It helps keep blood pressure lower. Cardiovascular health is a big concern, especially for men, and a dose of regular massage can be a real help with lowering blood pressure if it’s on the high side, along with reducing stress and tension.

3. It’s good at raising immunity. Rather than dealing with misery of colds and minor illness, strengthen his immune system with a massage so he can fight them off better.

4. It helps boost energy and improve feelings of well-being and vitality.

With all those benefits, you have to admit that a massage gift certificate from Essential Massage Therapy is much better for your Dad this Father’s Day than another pair of socks or some whisky! Look for this month’s special offer!