Life in the times of coronavirus can be a challenge—especially when the whole family is home together, stuck together even, without any hint of when it will be okay to go and explore the world again! During your normal life (if you can remember back that far!), you may have beaten that daily stress by visiting your favorite massage therapy office in Sparta for a deep tissue massage, or snuck off during your lunch break for a secret foot massage or paraffin wax treatment. While we can’t bring that secret escape back into your routine, we know you can find little escapes throughout your day. If you’re familiar with our massage office in Sparta, you know we like to focus on natural, refreshing, relaxing scents from our partners at Young Living Essential Oils. While you’re staying at home, try these great essential oil hacks to make your life a little easier.

Refresh Your Space
Does it seem like your kids’ stinky shoes, the family dog, and last night’s garlic bread have grown even more powerful during this quarantine? You’re not alone! Many parents and others staying at home have started attending to their house, including those less-than-fresh spaces. For a natural refresher, try diluting 5 drops of your favorite oil in a 2-ounce spray bottle, or about a quarter of a cup of water. Spray gently and breathe deeply for relaxation!

Homework Help
Essential oils and aromatherapy can set a focused, attentive mood. This is perfect for those Zoom classroom sessions your child is struggling through! Don’t just clear a physical space at your child’s desk or the kitchen table, help your child clear mental space with a mood-setting scent and your favorite relaxation routine.

Aromatherapy on the Go
You might not be driving to your weekly deep tissue massage, but if you’re like most people, your car is serving double-duty these days as you visit drive-throughs, pick up goods curbside, and occasionally leave the house for a drive. Eliminate odors and seek wellness with a DIY car diffuser! Simply add a few drops of essential oil to tissues, paper towels, or used cloth face masks and leave in the car for naturally dispersed scent.

Challenge Your Family to DIY Massage!
If you’re tired of trying to set a relaxing mood, give in and recruit your family for a DIY massage day! Make it a special aromatherapy massage with natural essential oils, and don’t forget to dilute with a neutral carrier oil, especially when working with children. You might not relax like usual, but you can share this fun moment with everyone in your household.

The team at Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta NJ is waiting eagerly for a safe time to reopen and visit with our loyal customers! In the meantime, we hope you find relaxation and wellness in your new routines. Keep the future in mind with great deals on gift packages from Essential Massage, and stay tuned for more great tips on our blog!