The time has finally come—you can now return to your favorite office for massage therapy in Sparta, NJ! At Essential Massage Therapy, we are so happy to reopen with safe operating procedures and see our clients again. For those who love massage, this can be a welcome return to your favorite routine. Speaking of routine, this blog is going to focus on just how important routines are for your physical and mental health. Read on to see how a little structure can make you feel better, and how massage and aromatherapy can be an important part!

Reduce Inflammation from Stress
If you don’t have a routine or plan, you may find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, and all over the place. Not only does this scatter your mind and increase frustration, it can contribute to inflammation, pain, and exacerbations of stress-related conditions. On the other hand, a predictable routine can reduce some of these anxieties, allowing you to focus on living your best life. While any routine will help, one that includes excellent self-care, such as your weekly Swedish massage in NJ, can go even further and boost your stress relief to the next level.
Find Time!

It sounds counter-intuitive, but having clear events scheduled on your calendar helps you to save time. We’re all guilty of wasting time when we have too much of it—even putting off our favorite things, or things that make us feel better! Instead, schedule yourself a routine when you are feeling energetic and engaged. You will be more likely to stick to it, and may find that the benefits of your massage therapy or other ritual far outweigh the urge to sit and do nothing!
Clear Your Mind

Stress takes a toll on your physical and mental energy. Many people report feeling frazzled, frenzied, and struggling with concentration and memory as a result of an unpredictable or unmanageable routine. Structure allows your mind to let go of these worries and focus only on the moment. When you participate in aromatherapy massage in Sparta, your massage therapist will help you to find relaxing essential oil blends that encourage mindfulness and keep your mind clear.

Attend to Your Body
It is so easy to ignore our bodies, especially in an increasingly virtual world! But if your back is sore from sitting on your “home office couch” or you just can’t relax, your body is trying to send you a message! Listen to your body and schedule regular massage appointments to help you stay connected.
Now that massage therapy offices in NJ are back to being open for business, don’t put yourself on the back burner! Schedule your appointment today and enjoy an extra-clean, extra-relaxing welcome back massage!