Children getting antsy and parents losing patience. Must be a sign of the back to school blues. Don’t let attitudes spoil the last bits of summer. Schedule quality time for you and the kids. Here’s the Top 5 list to help create the most memorable moments of Summer 2019!

1. Water – children love water (and so do many adults)! Whether it be at the town pool, a day trip to the beach, a float down a lazy river, or even as easy as your own back yard. Grab your towel and have fun splashing about.

2. Packing up a Picnic – Kids love to be in the kitchen. Break out the creative sandwich ideas and salads. Or if you don’t want to wear your chef hat, go directly to your local deli. Pack a frisbee and a game board and you are all set.

3. Rainy Day? How about opening some of those craft kits or board games? Head to the movies or host a watch party with friends in your home. Cook up hot dogs and pop corn.

4. Solo Time. It’s ok to give everyone the afternoon for some quiet time. Read a book, take the dog for a long walk, get a massage at Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta, New Jersey. If all else fails call on the reinforcements also known as the grandparents. They would love to have the children for a few hours so you can catch up on… well, you!

5. Back to School Shopping! Who doesn’t love picking out new pencils, crayons and notebooks? Now’s the time to get the items on sale too.