Are you “scent-sational?” Do you love adding a burst of fragrance to anything you do—including feeling and looking great? At Essential Massage Therapy, we believe that the bet wellness routine should stimulate all the senses, and one of the best ways to do this is to incorporate essential oils into your health- and home-related routines. Read on to find out our top ten favorite ways to use essential oils for your health!

  1. Relax. The classic use for essential oils is to relax and enhance mood, so take a note from history and incorporate these into your relaxation routine!
  2. Freshen your space. If you have a “stinky” spot in your home—maybe a poorly ventilated bathroom or a shoe closet—some essential oils can add a burst of freshness used in a diffuser.
  3. Clean naturally. Natural cleaning products, such as vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, don’t have a great smell. Fix this naturally with a few drops of essential oils.
  4. DIY beauty. The internet has hundreds of natural beauty recipe, and most are scented with essential oils.
  5. Improve skin. Certain essential oils can help your skin feel soft, nourished, and blemish-free.
  6. Bye-bye, bubbles! Many “bubble bath” products are heavily fragrances with artificial chemicals and skin irritants. Create a healthier, relaxing bath with essential oils!
  7. Upgrade your massage. When you go for a relaxing massage at Essential Massage Therapy, ask for essential oils to enhance your experience.
  8. Soothe a cold. Dissolve essential oils in a bowl of hot water. Inhale the steam slowly to relieve the pressure of sinus infections, colds, or congestion.
  9. Natural pest protection. Soak cotton balls in mint essential oils to deter rats and mice. Citrus oils work well for carpet beetles and moths!
  10. Relieve a headache. Many people find that headache pain and nausea are relieved by the fresh scent of peppermint.

Don’t wait! We offer Young Living Essential Oils at our location, because they are the purest we have found. Schedule an appointment today for an enhanced massage with essential oils, or ask me about Young Living Essential Oils and products to help you live a chemical free lifestyle!

Young Living Distributor #10256875