The holidays are here, and in the midst of all the excitement and glitter comes a variety of downsides: fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety, stress, and irritation—all with those you are supposed to love and care for most! At the end of the day, you may realize that you simply need to take better care of yourself… but how can you accomplish this? Read on to find out our favorite ways to nurture yourself during the holiday season!

1. Set boundaries. This sounds like a mean tip from a parenting class, but boundaries actually make everyone feel better. This is true in terms of time, responsibilities, or anything else. When you set appropriate boundaries, you reduce your risk of a big problem in relationships: Resentment. Have you ever resented someone who demanded too much of your time, asked too many questions, or used too many of your resources? By setting clear boundaries, you can still be there to enjoy and support those you love, but don’t risk getting burned out.

2. Prioritize yourself. While nobody wants to be selfish, there is great benefit in making sure that you get your own needs met. Just like you should put your own oxygen mask on first in an airplane, taking care of your needs will allow you to be better for yourself and for everyone else. When things get stressful, schedule some quiet time alone for a long bath, a spa day, a trip to a great massage therapy office in New Jersey, or even a nice long walk through nature. Whatever makes you feel recharged, pursue it vigorously.

3. Don’t forget the basics. In pursuit of health, energy, and happiness, we sometimes forget that our bodies need things like healthy food, plenty of hydration, and physical and mental exercise. While it can seem tempting to ignore these things in favor of fast food, soda, and binging on TV shows, you may be surprised by how much better you feel with the right input.

These are just some starter tips to get you going. This holiday season, make sure to make time for you, because you are your own most valuable resource! Check back on our blog often to see how massage can help you reach your wellness and relaxation goals! Take some time for yourself by setting up an appointment with Essential Massage by calling 973-729-2400, or schedule one right here on our website!