The holiday season comes every year, but if you’re anything like the many clients who come into Essential Massage Therapy in Sparta, NJ, you know that it can seem like a surprise each time! So many people complain of being too busy, too overworked, or stretched too far during a season that is supposed to be about family and fun. Fortunately, we like to think of ourselves as experts in relaxation, and we’d like to share our favorite self care tips with you this holiday season!

1. Plan for some down time. If your holiday season seems jam-packed, stressful, and exhausting, you may need to plan some down time. Just as a rest from exercise can boost your energy once more, a break from fun can help your mind to settle, allowing you to enjoy the good times even more. Some great planned downtime activities include naptime, conversation and coffee or tea, or a day off to catch up on overload items.

2. Embrace quality time with yourself. Between the work parties, relatives visiting, and friend get-togethers, you might not have any time for yourself. And what a shame! Do yourself a favor and allow yourself to claim time for yourself—no, time in the shower or driving to pick someone up does not count, even if you are alone!

3. Say no! Learn to say no productively. Instead of blowing off plans or always being the Negative Nancy, give a positive “no” by saying “I can’t do ____ right now, but what about (a better time?)” This lets the person know you care while still sticking with your boundaries.

4. Set a date. Really want to take care of yourself this holiday season? Set a date! Whether you block out your afternoon calendar with “rest” “nap” or “deep tissue massage at Essential Massage,” making it a “firm” commitment can make sure you do it!

You and those around you deserve a revitalized, cared-for you! Check back on our blog for relaxation and wellness tips, or set up an appointment at Essential Massage Therapy in New Jersey!