Fatigue goes beyond “just” feeling tired. Whether you are experiencing mental or physical fatigue (or both), fatigue is a sense of complete, utter exhaustion, being worn-out, and not sure if you can go on. If you are fatigued after running a marathon or working an 18-hour day, treat yourself to some well-deserved rest! However, many people report feeling fatigued day in and day out, despite not expanding that much energy. When they visit our massage office in New Jersey, they report feeling tired, under the weather, or down. Read on to find out what might cause this and how massage can help!

Cause 1: Medical concerns. If you notice health or energy changes, the first person you should talk to is your physician. Make sure that your physical health is in line, and even if you come back 100% healthy, at least you don’t have to waste energy wondering if there is something wrong with your physical health.

Cause 2: Not sleeping well. Even if you don’t exert yourself much throughout the day, you may feel fatigue if you do not sleep well. Often, people do not sleep well if they are sore or stressed, which makes massage a great tool! By encouraging your body and brain to relax, massage can help you to calm down and get some rest. Many sore muscles, particularly those that are sore from tension, can improve with skilled massage services.

Cause 3: Too much stress. Maybe you’re going back to school, supporting a family, working a job or two, worrying about aging parents, involved in the PTA, trying to rebuild the house… and a hundred other things! When you are too stressed, your body and brain get tired! Reconnecting with your body and dedicating time to relaxation can help and ask about take-home tools such as aromatherapy oils to create a sense of relaxation wherever you go.

Cause 4: Depression and other mental health concerns. Feeling tired or lacking in energy, as well as sleeping too much and too little, are all symptoms of clinical depression. If your fatigue is accompanied by feelings of sadness, worthlessness, or thoughts of hurting yourself or others, speak with a mental health professional. Your primary care doctor (remember cause 1?) can help you find one. Massage has been shown to improve quality of life in those with mental health concerns, but you should always start with an expert in mental health and talk to your provider about how massage can support your treatment.

Ready to feel energized? Get physical and mental health in line and contact Essential Massage Therapy to start on your path to wellness today! Essential Massage Therapy is a Young Living Essential Oils independent distributor #10256875.